To trigger sending data according to the conditions - Com Port Monitor

"Trigger to send" is sending the data frame of sending window under certain conditions.There are two trigger mode,one is the time-triggered, and the other is trigger by the receiving data frame.

1. Timing to send data

When the time is up, the program automatically send the default data line.

As above,click on "trigger button" , pop-up the trigger setting dialog box.

Setting as above dialog box:When the time to 9:40:00, application send line 2 to line 4 data frames of sending window.The time interval of every two data frame is 200ms.


Sending window:

When the time to 9:40:00, application send the data frame as follows:

2. Trigger to send data by the receiving data frame.

when receive a certain line data frame of sending window, to send another line data frame of sending window.

Trigger Settings dialog box :

Setting as above dialog box:when application receive the line 2 data frame of sending window,to send the line 4 data frame of sending window to serial port.


Sending window:

when application receive the line 2 data frame of sending window,send the data frame as follows:

The blue font data frame is receiving data frame , and the red font data frame is sending data frame.