Data Search - Com Port Monitor

Find data in two ways: one way to find individual data, one way is to find all.

In the receiving window, a single search to find the results to the selected display. If find all keywords,the result will be showed in the "Search Output window".


The first way: find one


1. Click on the menu bar, Edit,find, pop-up finding dialog box.

2. In the Find dialog box, enter the keyword in the search, click Find Next.

3. Find results for each one, the results in the receiving window is selected.

4. To find the next, click Find Next or by F3 key.

serial port monitor

The second way: find all

Find all:

1. In the "Find All" check box to choose.

2. Enter the keyword in the search, click Find Next.

3. Search output window to see the results.

serial port monitor serial port monitor